Saturday, October 29, 2011

November is fast approaching

Wow. I can't believe it, but November is almost here. That is more than a little bit terrifying. For me, November is going to be a particularly huge month this year. First of all, I have to get all of my application to Carleton by November 15th. Secondly, it's November, which means NaNoWriMo, of course! This year, I'm going to shoot for 75k, even though, yes, that is in fact fairly ridiculous. Last year, I got to 60k without too much overt effort. I scraped most of it, but I knew where I was going -- so it made it worth it, of course!

In preparation for November, I am going to read over Strange book 1, mostly (though of course I would never admit this :P) so that I can remember what my characters are like, and what plots I've already figured out. Anyway, I'll probably be posting here sporadically again while I'm procrastinating from writing in November!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Yeah, so I've officially decided as of about thirty seconds ago that I'm going to do it again this year. I can totally get in the habit of writing 2k words per day, right? That's not a big deal, right? I mean at the rate it's getting worse (which it really isn't, I have to say), then school work isn't going to be anything of a problem. And even if the play is something like a problem (which I honestly doubt it will be because I managed around it last year and I didn't have any faith in myself from previous experience to count on), then I still have half a month to finish the 50k.

But really, apart from saying this is absolutely something I'm doing again, I wanted to talk a little bit about what I'm going to be doing. I'm pretty confident that I'll be writing the second part to Strange. (I have another post explaining what on earth that is.) I say that this counts because it'll eventually be its own book, even if I have already written over 100k words for the whole story. So, for those of you who know -- almost another quarter of the whole entire story will be out soon! :D

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I found my college!

So, here's to hoping that in five years, I can look back at this post and say I knew where I was going all along. Of course, I'd actually need to get in for that to happen, but I can certainly assure you I know where I want to go as of right now.

The school I'm looking at is Carleton College. It's out in Minnesota, and I just visited it. It was the most beautiful campus I have ever seen, and it had such a wonderful vibe. As I described to my interviewer, I felt like I already fit in because the mannerisms of the people coming up and teasing our tour guide while she was leading us around were just like the ones my friends used. It has a trimester system rather than a semester system, which is good for me because it would allow me to focus on my classes so much more. Right now, for example, I'm taking so many, different classes that I get confused sometimes as to different things which are all going on in my brain at once. It's confusing to try to do so much at once. Trimesters would let me focus on a few things, and also possibly take more because on average students take 9 courses a year.

Plus, the weather was absolutely perfect when we visited. What better sign could there be? (And they certainly get snow!)