Monday, August 1, 2011

Why not the colour no?

If you're here, I'm about 65% certain that you have, at one time or another, wondered why on earth I use the name "thecolouryes" (or the American spelling) as my username on just about everything. The answer, in fact, comes from all the way back in 8th grade. (Wow. I'm finally so old that 8th grade feels like a while ago.) Back then, I was close friends with a few people who would get together after school once a week in the art room and mess around with the art teacher's supplies. One day, I was hanging out with them there and playing with paints and mixing colours and things. When one of my friends asked me what colour the weird mixture of paints that was somewhere like "dark puke green" (imagine the green-ness of puke, only much darker so it's not an awful colour), I answered "yes" because that was my default answer to things, especially when they weren't yes or no questions. And thus, "the colour yes" was born. Somewhere along the way, I decided to start using it for all of my usernames, and it's stuck. If you see anything to the effect of "the colour yes", it's more than likely me.

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