Thursday, September 8, 2011

Flooding = no school!

Apparently, this is how the minds of my school administrators work. Truth to be told, we have been experiencing rain to rival London here (remarkable because this is the Philadelphia area), and it's certainly nice to be out of school after only one day of classes, but that doesn't make the idea in and of itself and less ridiculous. Let's just cancel school because it's been raining for a million days and it's gonna keep raining here through Sunday.

Anyway, the reason I bring this up, other than because it's nice and ridiculous, is that I had time to write more of "The End...", but I ended up sleeping for 15 hours. No joke. I got 12 hours of sleep last night, and took a 3 hour nap this afternoon. So, I started writing more of "The End...", but I still have a lot more to go until it's anything any of you lovely readers would be willing to read.

Also, I'm getting back into the beta-reading business because applying to college and stage managing (assistant directing?) the play isn't enough stress to add to school work, so if you have anything to read, I'm up to the challenge :P

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