Monday, August 22, 2011

Okay seriously, what is with my inability to wake up properly?

This morning I woke up at about half seven after getting only six hours of sleep (yay fanfiction! :P). When I managed to get back to sleep, I had a really weird dream which my subconscious told me was about Stargate which doesn't make any sense because the extent of my experience with it is that my boyfriend yesterday told me he likes it. Oh, and Amanda Tapping, of course, but that's not really a helpful connection either. Anyway, in my dream, I was this semi-key person who was going around doing stuff, who had just previously been confusing me (the viewer) who had told me (the character) that I (the viewer) would have to pause a lot because the medical stuff they were discussing usually went way over my head so I had to take a step back and thing until I got it. Oh, yeah, and apparently (according to my subconscious) Stargate is about vampires.

Yeah, right, okay, that makes sense. And then I woke up and was fighting with my mum and I had slept the entire day away... and then I actually woke up.

And this is coming a few days on the heels of my weird semi-lucid half-awake confusion over whether I was Helen Magnus, Nikola Tesla, or myself.

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